Leeds & Northrup 8686
Millivolt Potentiometer
Portable, self-contained unit with built-in galvanometer, standard cell, & batteries
Ranges from -10.100 to +100.100 mV & +1010.000 to +1020.000 …
Current Shunt
The 4363 Current Shunt consists of a continuous strip of manganin in one fold, held in position by a spacer.
Resistance: 0.001 ohms
Current Rating: …
The 4221B Reichsanstalt-Type Resistance Standard can be used in the accurate measurement of current with a potentiometer, and as a standard for comparison in low-resistance …
The Reichsanstalt-Type 4222B Resistance Standard can be used in the accurate measurement of current with a potentiometer, and as a standard for comparison in low-resistance …